Sunday, January 31, 2010

You're kidding, right?

I can remember the first time I actually RAN on a treadmill. It was years ago and I couldn't believe that the machine said I did a mile in just about 10 minutes. I was never able to run a 10-min mile during all those physical fitness tests during high school, but there I was 25 years old and able to run it without dying! So as my workouts continued, my pace got faster and my distance grew.

Soon, I had signed up for my first 10K. Oh dear. I couldn't believe that I had been convinced to bypass the 5K for my first race and do a 10K. But I was excited. I had 'trained' which mostly just meant that I regularly went to the gym and did my time on the treadmill. Then race day came. I was a ball of jitters. I made it thru the first 3.1 miles and then hit my wall. I swore to myself that I would NEVER race again. Who am I to think that I could actually be one of the many runners out there?! I crossed that finish lane proud that I actually ran across it and the overhwelming feeling of pride, exhiliaration and accomplishment washed over me. Hmmm, maybe I will race again. I wasn't all that bad, I kept telling myself.

So fast forward to the past couple of years. I had my twins in 2006. The weight felt like it melted off and that meant I wanted even more to come off. A fellow coworker and I started having running nights. It was hard to stay up until 9pm and then go running only to have the runner's high and be up until midnight coupled with middle of the night wakings made it tough. But I did it. I felt good. I just wanted to get out there again and do what I had done so many years ago. If it wasn't one thing it was another that kept me from regularly getting back out there. And once again I fell off the wagon.

I knew that I needed to get back to running because it made me feel good. I was able to put aside all of my everyday stresses and focus on my breathing and just being by myself. I started up again more regularly last year after my mom died. It was something that I wanted to do for myself and again needed to. It wasn't until someone mentioned the words: half marathon that I seriously considered joining in on the 'fun'. (Previously I had sworn that the only 1/2 marathon anyone would get me to run would be the Disneyland one...because how can you turn down running through the happiest place on Earth?!) I ran when I could which wasn't often, but I did it. I ran the majority of that 13.1 mile race. Holy $#!&* cow! And it was one of my most proudest moments ever! I tear up thinking about the sight at that finish line: my husband, my two boys and two of my very best friends cheering me on. It was a beautiful moment and one that I can't wait to repeat as we continue our training for another HALF marathon.

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