Friday, February 12, 2010

It IS a way of life

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Ok, not my entire life, I am sure my parents can attest to the fact that when I was a little girl, I was a skinny minny.

Boy have those times changed.

As I said in my first blog post, after I got married, I got very comfortable. So comfortable that the pounds just started creeping back on. I was overweight when I got pregnant with my son, lost the baby weight soon after he was born, but never lost the "other" weight. Then I got pregnant with my daughter and decided I had had enough of this lifestyle and was going to do something about my weight after she was born.

I decided not to "diet" when I was training for our first half. I was nursing and running, I wanted to wait and see how my body responded. I had a easy time losing the baby weight and lost an additional 10 pounds during my training.

I was pretty happy with the way things were going, until I saw the pictures that were taken at the race.

Did I REALLY look like that?!

That was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back".

On November 12, I signed up for Weight Watchers. I had been successful with this program, or "way of life", before and knew I could do it again. But, there was a little voice in the back of my mind though, saying "why are you starting a diet before the holidays?" I knew if I didn't do it then, I would never do it.

And then I started losing. And losing. I lost after Christmas. Lost after New Years. Lost after at trip to Disneyland. Holy s*&t! I was doing it!

As of yesterday, February 11, 14 weeks after starting Weight Watchers, I have lost 25.4 pounds. 53.8 pounds since I had my daughter in April.

I am proud. Proud that even with my crazy life, I was able to do it. I was able to count points, plan meals and make time for running and all of this lead to where I am today in my weight loss journey.

I can not wait to run those 13.1 miles WITHOUT those extra 25 pounds.

And I can't wait to see the pictures at the end.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


and soooooooooo frustrated.

I have been really good about running. Running when it was cold. When I was tired. With two kids in the jogging stroller. Then I got a bad cold and became super busy at work. Running has taken a back seat and I can so feel it.

Running has become my stress relief. My alone time. And I miss it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Running Confession

My running confession: I have run twice in the last two weeks. And it hasn't been pretty. There is no fooling running. No lying about how often you run, because it only takes a few minutes for the real story to come out. Running keeps you honest. The longer you are away, the harder it is to get back. But unlike a gym membership that may expire, or a trainer who may drop you for not showing up, running won't give up on you. It will always be there. Waiting for you when you are ready.

Unfortunately, life has been getting in the way. Mainly in the form of two cute little boys who call me Mom. And rain. Family emergencies. Rain. Icky Sickies. Rain. Basketball season. It's been a tough couple weeks. A busy couple weeks. The kind of weeks where the few minutes of free time in my day truly call for the decision: eat, sleep, or shower. Running fell to the back burner. But I am going to bring it back into the game this week. I promise. Today, was day one. Run: check. One step in the right direction.