Saturday, January 30, 2010

Running with a jogging stroller is HARD!

I differ from my running buddies in that I work outside of the home. I know I have at least 4 days of running sans kiddos. Granted, it most likely is going to be on a treadmill, but at least I don't have to push a jogging stroller.

On the weekends, my husband (bless his heart), always pushes both of the kids when we run together. If we don't run together, he stays home with them while I get my miles in.

Today was a little different. My son and my husband started a "Daddy and Me" soccer class which will be every Saturday morning until March. I was/am very excited to have a couple hours in the morning alone with my daughter.

It has been raining like crazy the last few weeks, so I decided to take advantage of the sunny day and hit the local running trail near our house, I was hoping to put in 5 miles. I loaded her up into the jogging stroller and ran through the check list: pacifier, check, bottle, check, diapers, check, wipes, check, cell phone, check, keys, check, we were ready to go.

I walked to the park, got to the "start" line (where they start the mileage count) and started pounding the pavement.

After about 100 yards, I was winded. What the hell was going on?! Then in dawned on me, she weighs 15 lbs., the stroller weighs 24 lbs., I was pushing almost 40 lbs.!!!

My 5 mile run turned into a 2 1/2 mile run.

I don't envy my fellow mommy runners who have to push the "beast", single or double, either way, it is HARD!

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