Monday, September 27, 2010

If you can't run...just DANCE!

I (once again) made the mistake of sleeping through an alarm to run this morning before it got hot out. I knew getting out on a Monday after a pretty productive weekend was a crapshoot but I was optimistic anyway. As I was driving kiddo numero dos to school, I had my XM radio tuned to my favorite station, channel 8 (the 80s station). Yes, I am a child of the 80s. Love 80s music. Grew up on all those fabulous 80s sitcoms and can still remember what my favorite commercials and jingles are. I know some people can only take so much of hearing Toni Basil's "Mickey" or Rick Springfield's "Jessie's Girl" but not me. Those are the songs that get me moving. I had the sheer delight of hearing one that transported me back to 1987 today. The song was "Wipeout" by The Beach Boys & The Fat Boys. We had moved to NorCal from SoCal. It was a hard move on us kids. I could see me & my siblings in some amazing hypercolor t-shirts (remember those?) with some equally amazing acid wash jean shorts. We missed being close to the beach (although for years I thought the beach was hours away since that's what my parents told me--a story for another day), spending days at Disneyland or Universal Studios or hanging out at South Coast Plaza. I turned up the radio loud...but not too loud that I wouldn't get to enjoy it over the protests coming from the back seat. I started bouncing around in my seat---even got the kiddo to wave his hands in the air and bob his head back and forth. The fun didn't stop there...Madonna's "Like a Virgin" was next...I moved to my other favorite station the 90s after that to change it up and got transported to my high school days with some Green Day. I could get used to this...and then I realized, well duh, no run might mean it's a dance party kind of day!

So here I am at home writing this little bit on the computer with my Sirius on in the background. With every song that comes on, I am immediately transported back to some fun times and I'm moving like none other! But with all of this comes some warning, I really can't dance if I tried. Sure I can mimic the moves of Milli Vanilli and the good ol' Running Man, but that's about it. Most times my moves look like something out of Night at the Roxy or SNL's Spartan cheerleaders. If you are a friend and usually go by my usual stomping grounds, don't give me the side eye or laugh when you see me stopping in tracks and busting out some crazy and so not worthy of So You Think You Can Dance moves on the trail or sidewalk. Instead why don't you join me because it's not a dance party if I am the only one having fun!! 

Gotta run  Vogue, will you join me?! 

Feeling left out (and kinda emotional)

I had a bit of a pity party going on with myself over the weekend. A few FB friends mentioned upcoming races and a twinge (ok not a twinge) of sadness came over me. I had decided to not enter into a fall half marathon race partly because I knew the summer would yield not very good training runs with the plans I had and that (sadly), money was an issue. But no matter what, I would continue to cheer on my best running buddies and whenever they wanted an easy (and I emphasize the word easy as my runs are basically walks to them now) and some time to chat, I would be there to pound the pavement with them. While I am entered in a race at the end of October, a sort of anniversary marker of our 1st half together coupled with celebrating someone's birthday on race day, I still feel left out. I have missed the camaraderie of our long runs, laughing or venting about the week's events and the beloved and well-deserved coffee pit stop at the end. I miss throwing out my own pats on the back for accomplishing a long run after an awful week with my best buds. And even though I could sit here and stew about it all, I remind myself of how far I have come with (or without) them. What's been amazing about my running buddies is that no matter where I am in training or not training, they'll join me and check up on me. They will continue to lift me up and encourage me to do anything or nothing. It looks like I have just talked myself out of my funk and into some warm & fuzzy good feelings at all the fun we have had along the way. :)

Guess I just needed to get this out there and again tell you two (and anyone else that's reading) how much I admire and am inspired by you both. Your half is coming up this weekend and I know that some incredible PRs will be made. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Race Report: DSE Half Marathon

In my head, this was a practice run. The days leading up to it, I saw it as a long run. Aiming for 12. Would be happy with 10. PRACTICE run. I pull into the parking lot and there is no one there except for a few of the organizers. Okay. Exactly what I expected for my fake, non-real, non-race Half.

And then more people showed up. Tents went up. More tables were set up. BIBS were handed out. Timers went up. Ummmm...FAKE Half, not so much. I still wasn't nervous. I intended to run the entire thing slow, or at least I would try. My main goal is to rock the Rock-n-roll Half in two weeks. I didn't want to hurt myself. Or overdo it.

I had the honor of running with someone who I see as a total Mommy Athlete Stud, Melissa. Her intentions were similar to mine. Rest legs. PRACTICE run. And then we set out...first mile: under 9 min/mile. Second mile: even faster. Third mile: even faster. Apparently, we are both a little more competitive than we thought.

All was rockin until the first aid station. It was muggy. I was thirsty. I reached out for the Cytomax. Stopped to walk and drink. I have NOT mastered the run and drink thing. At least not the run and drink AND get said liquid in my mouth thing. I Gu. I take off. About a half mile later, around 5 miles in, it hits. THE WORST SIDE STITCH I have ever had. Ever. I couldn't get a full deep breath. I tried to walk it out. Breath it out. It never really went away. I was pissed. And hurting. NO CYTOMAX for this girl, apparently. I ran, walked, jogged the remaining mileage. Feeling good for a stretch and then side lined by the side stitch. More than anything, this makes me completely scared and nervous for race day.

All in all, despite the plethora of walking breaks. Desire to quit. Funny weather: muggy, humid, rain, hot. We managed a respectable 2:09. For me, the fact that I can say I ran 13.1 as a PRACTICE run baffles my mind. A year ago, I would have laughed at you. I would have thought it impossible. And yet, here I sit, slightly frustrated that I know we could have run faster. I'll chalk it up to keeping some in the vault...for the *REAL* Half. Though there was ABSOLUTELY nothing *fake* about the 13.15 miles I ran on Sunday.

All in all, it was an awesome race...WITH goodie bags. For $10, this is a race I would absolutely run again. FASTER.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Getting discouraged

4 weeks. We have 4 weeks until our next race.

I have had craptastic run after craptastic run for the last few weeks.

I can't find time to run during the week. I can't find time to run with my running buddies.

I am starting to get discouraged.

I need one good run to get my head back into the game. One good run. Please let it happen for me this week.