Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What was I thinking?

In May, I went to The Woodlands, Texas to watch my now-Brother in Law compete in the Ironman. An Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run (yes, a marathon, after all that). To say I was inspired would be an understatement. This event was unreal. Normal people attempting this event and having to finish in under 17 hours.

**bragging moment* My Brother In Law finished in 11 hours, 45 minutes and 23 seconds. HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So back to the inspiration. I saw these people, normal everyday people, attempting this event. Now, I am not a swimmer, but I know I can ride a bike and I can run. By the time I left Texas, I knew I wanted to attempt a duathlon (bike/run).

I came home, found a race and signed up.

September 25, I will attempt a 1 1/2 mile run, 12 mile bike, followed by a 2 1/2 mile run. I could not be more excited! Wish me luck!!!

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