Monday, April 18, 2011

Week of tweaking

I've been stuck in low mileage runs for a long time. It was a comfort thing in that I knew I could at least get 2 miles in and still have time to tackle the never-ending to-do list. I have 3 training calendars (hey, I need the accountability, right?) where I have put certain mileage points on to help motivate and get me going further. I decided to take that leap this past week and jump to 4 miles.

On Monday, I was almost the solo runner for a group run at the local running store. The store employee very kindly mapped out a 4 mile out & back...the kicker? HILLS. A *big* hill. AND she wanted me to do it TWICE. I took a deep breath and without thinking twice, shrugged my shoulders and said, 'Why not?' It wasn't until I was starting to stretch that the butterflies came creeping in. I just wanted to up the ante to 4 miles...not throw in a hill repeat. Oh well--you gotta do what you gotta do to get over that slump. I challenged myself and went out and got it done. I have to admit I felt pretty damn proud of myself. :)

Usually if I get that one good run in, I start to quickly get sucked into life and will put off future workouts. Rain didn't help with that for my next scheduled run...but the next day, I went out and did it again. Another 4 miler--this time I wanted to see what I could change in my form. I haven't had my gait or running form analyzed by a professional, but I know that when I get tired or sluggish I can feel it all around. So in my start I didn't go charging down the road like I usually do. I went slllllllllooooooooooooooooooow. I felt great and was getting into a great rhythm. And if you can believe it, my 'slow' pace was actually turning out to be a faster one than my usual. As I'm chugging along I noticed that my jaw was starting to stick out and my neck muscles tensed--which usually leads to me hunching up my shoulders then my entire upper body is a big knot of tense muscles. I relaxed my jaw, gave my arms a shake and focused on just what was in front of me. Every so often I'd snap out of the negative thoughts that started to creep in and do a quick check of unclenched fists, jaw in line, and shoulders down. It sounds silly but it really worked. After that run, I wasn't nearly as sore or tight the next day.

My final tweak of the week: going LONG. And by long, I meant I was going for a 5 mile run. This was the first one since my 10K in October. I know, sad right? I know I can run that distance...I just don't do it enough. And because I don't do it enough---I consider myself slower than molasses and why bother with a long run when I know I can get a 2 miler done much quicker. With a 'no excuses' mantra going through my head at the moment combined with excitement and some stored energy I went for it. My only downfall was Nike+ GPS decided to end the workout before it was time. It put a damper on things and I swore at the dang thing the entire way home, but I got it done. Of course looking back, I was silly to get so riled up at that thing. I knew I went the distance...I didn't need the computer to tell me so.

In hindsight, this was probably one of the best running weeks I've had in a long time. Just a couple of tweaks and it all added up to some great changes and results. I'm trying not to get overconfident but I am feeling stronger these days. I can tackle slightly more on my already full plate. I believe the race is maybe 6 weeks away...I'm too scared to look at that part of my calendar. Hopefully some more tweaking will help me overcome that fear. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When life gives you lemons...

you take a week off.

The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful for me. Between work, the commute, my husband's ridiculously long hours at work, sick kids, lack of sleep, etc. etc. etc., I have hardly had a chance to squeeze in a run. Let alone multiple runs that I should be doing since we are 5 weeks away from race day.

This last week has been a doozy. And, while my gym bag is sitting on the floor of my office, I just couldn't find the time or motivation to head upstairs to the gym.

So, rather than feeling guilty about it, I am going to give myself this week as a rest week. Probably not the best idea since, again, the race is 5 weeks away, but I am feeling confident in my mileage and stamina and know I will cross that finish line, hopefully with a PR.