Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today, I gave up

Waved the white flag (or towel as it was). Threw in said towel.

I had high hopes for today's work out. As I was carrying my bag up the flight of stairs to they gym, I was thinking I would aim for 6 or 7, hoping there was something good on tv to distract me from the boringness that is the "dreadmill."

I started out at a 9:30 pace, going for distance today, not time. As I was chugging along, I just didn't feel right, couldn't find a groove or comfortable stride and there was absolutely nothing on tv. I tried slowing down. Speeding up. Stopped to walk for a minute and stretch a screaming Achilles tendon.

Started again, mile one clicked by. Every negative thought entered my mind and I couldn't push them out. I pushed on, sped up, slowed down, d r a g g ed myself through mile 2.

Then I did the unthinkable.

I hit the stop button.

I couldn't do it. I didn't have it today and knew I wasn't going to find it.

I decided to give myself a pass and not get down. We have 11 weeks until our race and every run can't be a good one.

Hoping the next 11 weeks go better then today!

Monday, February 7, 2011

There's a first time for everything

I've been meaning to blog about this for weeks now, but either my computer has been hijacked by my 4 year olds or I'm just too busy forgetful. I had been doing pretty darn good on my resolutions/goals this month. I've been consistent in getting out there at least 3 times a week and also trying very hard not to put a huge amount of pressure on myself. I felt good! And surprisingly relaxed about how to tackle everything from getting us ready and out the door in record times to the big 'uh-oh' moments that would come stumbling our way. This was a big first--woo hoo! 2011 was starting out on the right foot!

My other first was taking a cross-training class. April, being the amazing and uber savvy woman she is, found one being offered every weekend in January for FREE. How could anyone turn that down?! We dragged ourselves out of bed on chilly mornings and took part in what was to make us stronger and more efficient runners (read=a good ass-whooping!). After warm-ups, we did circuits of mountain climbers, planks, sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, squats...if it made us whine and grunt to the end, the trainer made us do it! I won't lie in that the first class almost paralyzed me. I was a little too eager to strut my stuff on planks and squats and it left me beyond sore for 3 days (and by that 3rd day I was kinda liking being sore because that meant I was getting stronger...or so I told myself). We were sad to see it end but walked away with some great tips and advice on how to just work in something different a few days a week. We're hoping to catch up again with the trainer and see if he'll coach us as a group. We'll keep you posted.

I had missed out on one of the training sessions because we headed on down to SoCal for a little vacay. In the itinerary was 3 days at Disneyland so I didn't put too much pressure on myself to work out before because walking around aimlessly in the park could burn some serious calories! But a fire was lit under me and we hadn't been at our destination more than a day and a half and I was chomping at the bit to get to the fitness center. Yes, you heard me right...I haven't wanted to get back on a treadmill so badly as I did during the trip. I kept telling myself that I must be sick. A treadmill is boring. SoCal peeps are gonna be watching me sweat buckets and pound along on that thing. Suddenly, I didn't care. I just wanted to be one with the treadmill. It had a built-in TV screen (goes to show you how long I've been on a treadmill), a place to hook up my iPod if I wanted and best of all it could push me harder than my own mind could (as long as I kept my fingers off the pause button and I did). I caught up on the top 20 videos/music singles of the week (and took notes on which songs need to be added to my playlist) or whatever episodes I missed of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, all while also marking my first long run of the year (yes, it was only 4 miles, but hey, I could've done nothing). I was sad to leave but we already have another trek planned in April so I won't be gone too, too long.

So there you have firsts this year. The momentum has slowed a bit as the viruses have made their presence known and chaos has once again turned me upside down. Luckily, the gorgeous California 'winter' weather is keeping this chin up!